About Us
About Us
Rotary Club of Minot
Rotary Club of Minot is Minot's largest and oldest service club, dating back to 1918, and part of Rotary International (RI). Our club engages in a variety of service activities including community and international projects, as well as youth oriented projects.
The Rotary Club of Minot meets every Monday, 12 Noon at the Grand Hotel.
Rotary Club of Minot is Minot's largest and oldest service club, dating back to 1918, and part of Rotary International (RI). Our club engages in a variety of service activities including community and international projects, as well as youth oriented projects.
The Rotary Club of Minot meets every Monday, 12 Noon at the Grand Hotel.
Club Projects
The Rotary Club of Minot has sponsored and participated in a number of Community & International Service projects and Educational & Vocational youth projects. These projects include:

Bark Park Shelter Construction
Guatemala Fire & Emergency Rescue Station
Buena Vista, Honduras Medication & Clean Water project
Rotary Roses Annual Fundraiser
Minot Rotary Scholarship Foundation
FFA & 4H Judging Contest prizes
Soo Line Engine Restoration & Dedication
Domestic Violence Crisis Shelter Happy Homes project
India World Polio Plus Day and School Construction project
Rotary Planting Hope
Rotary International
Rotary International's programs and service opportunities are designed to help Rotarians meet needs in their own communities and reach out to assist people in need worldwide.
Rotary International's programs and service opportunities are designed to help Rotarians meet needs in their own communities and reach out to assist people in need worldwide.
Some of the programs include:
Rotary clubs organize and sponsor this service organization for youth ages 12-18; more than 12,300 clubs in 133 countries and geographical areas.
Rotary clubs organize and sponsor this leadership, professional development, and service organization for young adults ages 18-30; more than 8,000 clubs in 167 countries and geographical areas.
Rotary Volunteers
Rotarians and other skilled professionals are provided opportunities to offer their services and experience to local and international humanitarian projects.
Rotary Youth Exchange
Clubs and districts send and host students ages 15-19 who travel abroad for cultural exchanges of one week to a full year; more than 8,000 a year.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Clubs and districts sponsor seminars to encourage and recognize leadership abilities of youth and young adults ages 14-30.
Paul Harris Fellows
The Paul Harris Fellowship is named for Paul Harris, who founded Rotary with three business associates in Chicago in 1905. The Fellowship was established in his honor in 1957 to express appreciation for a contribution of $1,000 to the humanitarian and educational programs of The Rotary Foundation. Those programs include an array of projects that save and invigorate the lives of people around the world and enhance international friendship and understanding. Rotarians also designate a Paul Harris Fellow to recognize another person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives and mission of The Rotary Foundation to build world understanding and peace.

The Paul Harris Fellowship is named for Paul Harris, who founded Rotary with three business associates in Chicago in 1905. The Fellowship was established in his honor in 1957 to express appreciation for a contribution of $1,000 to the humanitarian and educational programs of The Rotary Foundation. Those programs include an array of projects that save and invigorate the lives of people around the world and enhance international friendship and understanding. Rotarians also designate a Paul Harris Fellow to recognize another person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives and mission of The Rotary Foundation to build world understanding and peace.